October 12, 2012


Vudi Vakasoso

Ripe Vudi (Plantain) - 200grm
Coconut Milk - 400ml
Freshly Grated Coconut- 60grm

Qalu Vakalolo
Tapioca Starch -200grm
Caster Sugar -50grms
Roasted Grated Coconut-60grm

Clear Caramel Sauce for Qalu
Caster Sugar - 120grm
H2o -20ml
H2o - 60ml

Coconut, Pineapple, Madarine Salsa
Fresh Pineapple    -50grm
Fresh Coconut    -50grm
Fresh Mandarin Segments -50grm
Caster Sugar - 235grm
H2o - 40grm
Vanilla Bean - 1no

Coconut Cream Jelly
Coconut Cream - 450ml
Gelatin Leaves - 5grm
Caster Sugar - 115grm

Coconut Water Jelly
Coconut Water - 450ml
Gelatin Leaves - 5grm
Caster Sugar - 115grm

Method: Vudi Vakasoso

Cut Vudi into a round shapes, place in a heavy saucepan with Coconut Milk, Freshly Grated Coconut & bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover saucepan with aluminum foil to create a natural vacuum (to Keep flavors in while preventing oxidation), and refrigerate overnight. All in one method.

Method: Qalu Vakalolo

Combine tapioca starch, Caster Sugar, Roasted Coconut, beat until well combined Refrigerate until serving time

In a saucepan, place caster sugar & 20ml H2o, & bring to a caramel stage. Add the rest of water & bring to a boil

In a saucepan, mix sugar & H2o .Split vanilla bean in half lengthwise, scrape out seeds and add them to the mix, bring to a boil and add julienne cuts fruit and coconut. Cool and refrigerate until serving time.

Heat 1/3 liquid in a microwave oven. Add gelatin & stir until disvolved.Add remaining 2//3 liquid and combine. Pour the mixture into the pan, and refrigerate or freeze according to the individual recipe until set. Cut into shapes